The listed former Power Station IJsselcentrale (Meijerink and Van der Steur, 1939) has been completely renovated, including its interior design, into an open public building and flexible working environment. The striking entrance lobby has been restored to its full former glory by bringing back the original open space and finishings. The basement now has new treatment rooms.
An existing stairwell has been demolished to make room for a new central lift, whilst a number of new open spaces and staircases connect the various floors. The office wing has seen the removal of all later interior elements, modular walls and ceilings. The original corridor of glazed brickwork has been opened up, creating diagonal lines of vision over the entire width of the office wing. A newly designed multifunctional flexi cabinet folds around the existing wall of the corridor. The flexi cabinet consist of lockers on both sides, pigeon-holes, a cloak room, a pantry, copying and printing units and meeting booths. In the remaining open office space, the cabinet furniture ensures differentiation in workstation. The design supports the different zonings of the workstations. Besides the GGD (Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst; Area Health Authority), the building houses various other health-related organisations and businesses. There are reception areas, meeting rooms and treatment rooms which can be used by all organisations at different times.