Scaling up the BiermanHenket management team

Scaling up the BiermanHenket management team

The current management of BiermanHenket, Janneke Bierman and Yvonne Segers (both architect / director) and Joep van As (architect / partner), has been expanded with Maaike van der Velden (office manager), Sander de Bruin and Wouter Habets (both architect / associate partner). 

The agency

BiermanHenket specializes in the restoration, transformation and new construction of buildings throughout the Netherlands. The design assignments are diverse: from (care) living, working, culture and education to reception and farewell. As a socially committed agency, we strive for a built environment that contributes to a social, healthy, diverse and sustainable society. The The Senate of the States General and (a part of) the House of Representatives, healthcare and residential location Domein aan de Dommel, Museum Prinsenhof Delft and office transformation Bastion Zuid are currently major projects that the agency is working on.

BiermanHenket, with its offices in Esch and Den Bosch, has now grown into an agency with more than 45 employees. The team consists of colleagues with different backgrounds: architects, technical designers, project managers and interior designers. A project team is put together for each project in which the required disciplines are represented. We work intensively together with the client, fellow advisors and the implementing parties from design to realization of the project.

Wouter Habets, Maaike van der Velden and Sander de Bruin (fltr)

Expansion of the management team

Sander, Wouter and Maaike are enthusiastic about professionalizing BiermanHenket even further in their new role. All three have an important priority in their vision of the future of the agency: as the agency grows, the team spirit and the unique family culture must be guaranteed. Challenging each other in a safe working environment is a special strength of BiermanHenket.

Maaike van der Velden has been working at BiermanHenket for more than 20 years. She started as a secretary when the agency had 15 employees. Since then, the agency has grown 300% and structuring projects has become indispensable. Maaike ensures that processes grow in a streamlined manner in the flat and transparent organization that BiermanHenket is. This applies not only to project management, but also to the composition and development of the team. As an agency manager, she is responsible for finance, HRM and quality assurance of the agency.

Sander de Bruin has knowledge and experience in all phases of the construction and design process. In his role as architect/project manager, he can think along from A to Z and carefully weigh the different interests of decisions to be made in complex projects. As an associate partner within the management team, he will focus on human resources and the BiermanHenket Academy: the training and development of employees in the broadest sense of the word. At BiermanHenket there has always been room for personal and substantive development, through training, BEP/PEP or in-depth or broadening courses. With the growth of the agency, knowledge sharing, through internal training days, will play an even greater role within and outside the team.

As an architect, Wouter Habets is involved from start to finish in the special assignments that are approached with precision by BiermanHenket. In his new role as associate partner, he monitors the broad lines of the architectural quality of the firm. The design vision is the core of the design; As an architect, you must be able to express the essence of a project in three sentences that are understandable to everyone. In this way we ensure that the parties involved in the various phases of the project seek solutions based on that vision. To ensure quality in all our projects, this agency is widely approached and all design teams are involved. Together we ensure the recognizable custom approach in the design: that is BiermanHenket! 

Team BiermanHenket agency-BBQ May 2024